Mar 29, 2023Liked by Natty Ford Gallegos

Natty, thank you for all the treasure in this detailed piece. You’re a wonderful teacher! I appreciate the clarity and scope of your explanations and am grateful for the ongoing insight. Love your work!

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Thank you so much J! My heart is warmed to see that my work is reaching others. I write to make these concepts clearer to myself, and I am so grateful to hear you are finding benefit from it as well!

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I spotted an error in this week’s post. I had originally written that the Moon would conjoin Mars about an hour before the First Quarter Moon goes exact. This was in error.

This conjunction will actually happen about 13 hours before the First Quarter Moon.

I don’t think that this changes the interpretation of the First Quarter Moon, but it’s good to have the timing correct.

It's funny, I tend to make errors like this when there is some kind of Mercury-Jupiter thing going on.

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Here’s what the Moon will be doing on Tuesday:

• Moon enters Cancer — 6:22 am ET

• Moon conjoins Mars — 9:19 am ET

• Moon trines Saturn — 11:04 am ET

• Moon squares Sun (First Quarter Moon) — 10:32 pm ET

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