I think what you said in this paragraph is really spot on:

"One thing I have been thinking about lately is that with Saturn in Pisces, it is forming hard aspects with planets in the other mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. I feel that this has been contributing to barriers, frustrations, disappointments, and delays when it comes to Geminian matters of fun, play, and connection, Virgoan matters of organization, thoroughness, and exactitude, and Sagittarian matters of hope and faith. I feel that we experienced this with this weekend’s Full Moon in Sagittarius, which was square Saturn. And perhaps we’ve been a little less tidy during the recent passes of the Moon through Virgo, maybe feeling less facility with (or perhaps constricted by) the Virgoan tendency to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s. Perhaps all this is something I will elaborate on in the future. But overall, if you are feeling frustration or a lack of gratification when it comes to curiosity, connection, organization, and hope, it’s all written in the stars."

I feel this a ton! I am easily bored right now, which I always hesitate to say because if I am bored does that mean I am being boring? Usually, LOL! My house is not as clean or as tidy as I would like it and with homeschool ending I don't even care! Hope about the future, wtf?! What future? I am at a total loss right now and with Saturn on my Moon in Pisces I just feel like I can't see the future or feel where I'm supposed to go--I am being land-locked or something! Thanks, Saturn :). Thanks for this little weekly heads up, I appreciate the perspective.

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Aww thank you so much. I am nourished and stimulated by your insights as well. Astrology is so cool: we can say things simply based on the archetypal symbolism and then it ends up resonating with others. It’s wild! I also love your narrative voice in talking about how these transits are showing up for you! It tickles me lol… hoping we get used to working with these energies soon because we got two whole years of this!!!

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