Sep 2Liked by Natty Ford Gallegos

I have been working on this poem for the past few days, trying to get the details right:

War and Peace

Rape, angry savagery

these have been weapons of war

since war began

since we began

Send out young men with everything

to prove

in a world where masculinity

means obdurate strength to crush all

labeled enemy, no mercy, no soft sensibilities.

Mere politics can't abolish such brutality.

Leaders, chosen or proclaimed, are caught up

in their social norms. Only cultural shift

will move human behavior to a place of greater sanity,

those better lives we visualize to labor toward.

Hate, meant as protection against pain of betrayal,

is too potent, too important an emotion

to harbor wholesale.

Hate ought be intimate, one to one,

based on true harm.

We, each and every of us, are blessed

with vital roles,

to discover, invent, conjure, devise

our strategies to become, each and all,

imbued with

kindness, compassion, the enlightened

self-interest of win/win/win.

This humane grace we may attain,

as any future mankind might plan, encourage,

carry through,

that each and every me and you

has a hand in, our literal skin in,

shareholders all.

The price of war is abhorrent.

Will you choose to be wise,

to open your ongoing lives

to peace?

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Sep 2Liked by Natty Ford Gallegos

So nice to see you back, Natty, and so nice to know you’re doing well! Thanks for the super informative piece on this heralding New Moon - my natal Moon is in Virgo and you provided some valuable perspective on how to approach and work with eclipse season during a personally heightened and critically important autumn and onward. Greatly appreciated!

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Thank you so much Julia! I’m so glad to find my words to be so welcome! My natal Moon is also in Virgo, so I’m very much writing from experience! 🌚

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Sep 1Liked by Natty Ford Gallegos

Oh it was so lovely to read this! Very informative and spoke to me on so many levels. The Hermit is my life card and so that, all of that, hit home. Really great synopsis of all the energies of this New Moon! Thank you so much!

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Thank youuuuu! It was a rich New Moon chart to gaze upon! ☺️☺️☺️

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