One highlight of this late-winter season has been Venus’ bright presence in the dark morning sky.
On the morning of the equinox, a bright and shining Venus will rise before the Sun, just as she’s been doing every morning since she became a Morning Star.
Right now, the Moon just entered Libra (at 7:26 am ET on Friday, March 18th), just about 4 hours after the Full Moon went exact.
Libra is the domicile (or home) of Venus, and on Sunday morning, the morning of the equinox, before the Sun comes up, you will be able to see a very big Moon up in the western half of the sky.
Below is a chart of the moment the Sun is about to cross the Ascendant on Sunday.
Note that the Sun is still in Pisces at this moment, as it doesn’t enter Aries until 11:33 am that morning. Likewise, the Moon will leave Libra less than 15 minutes after the Sun’s ingress into Aries.
But at sunrise on the morning of the equinox, the Sun will be in Pisces, the sign of Venus’ exaltion.
This means that the Sun and Moon will both be in signs that Venus holds dear.
In addition, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune will all be in Pisces, marking the final few hours the Sun will be co-present with these planets in the sign of Venus’ exaltation.
In addition, on Saturday morning, while the Moon is Libra, Venus (which is in Aquarius) will square Uranus at 7:16 am, a little before sunrise. And again, we will have the Moon still very big and full over in Libra.
The Venus-Uranus square promises to be an electrifying moment in which we are spurred forth to “defy convention” and “trust in our own wildness,” “to let [our] freak flags flex,” to borrow words from Chani Nicholas.
All this is to say that, while Venus is said to be “enclosed by malefics,” there’s very Venusian tone to this equinox weekend.
So if you end up celebrating the equinox and Full Moon on Saturday evening, as you watch the Moon rise later in the evening, know that she is in a Venus-ruled sign.
And if you are awake Sunday morning, note that during these final hours of winter, Venus will shine brightly, sharing the sky with a big, bright Moon over in Libra. It is quite fitting, then, that during the final sunrise of the season, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune will all be in Venusian places.
While the Sun still in Pisces, it’s worth reflecting on how Venusian the sign of Pisces is. It’s also worth reflecting on how Venusian the sign’s ruler (Jupiter) can be, how both Venus and Jupiter revel in lush abundance.
Yesterday afternoon, I came across this tune, the Black Science Orchestra Remix of “Venus” by Emma-Jean Thackray. You might want to put this tune on during your celebrations this weekend.
It begins with the refrain:
I call to Venus in the sky
I call the goddess who reigns on high
I call to Venus in the sky
Per the song’s lyrics, Venus is literally the “light in the darkness,” as she’s been the brightest light during the dark late-winter mornings.
Now you may notice something peculiar about the artwork accompanying the track, how it’s an image of Saturn, not Venus.
That’s peculiar, but I also notice that the track was posted on YouTube on March 9th, during the current Venus-Saturn co-presence in Aquarius, reminding us of Venus’ power, even in Saturnian territory.
Here’s to Venus!